Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: A new 'chic' foolishness about mono systems
Post Subject: MONO can be equal to stereoPosted by zako on: 6/22/2010
Romy,,Romy,, romy,,,,,Some times you can be so thick the logic of mono and its correct use,,nothing faulty...All music performed is live,,,and at times localzation is not percieved,,,How is mono haveing practical advantage over propertly implemented stereo???? This argument came up in recording Myron Salvador at the organ and chorus ,,At the St louis Cathedral...a friend of mine invited me to record the concert in stereo while he recorded his feed in mono,,,Both of us used the same type of microphones,,,Sennheiser MKH condenser units,,,I set up my mics in the " Londen Tee bar Blumine configureation,,,George strapped his ONE mono sennheiser mike centered between mine on the same bar all elevated up 15 feet,,, i used my stereo Nagra... ane he used a Nagra mono version (borrowed),,, The result???? stereo gave No advantage over his mono version,,,No forced fold down between our systems...He didnt use a feed from my cables but used his own...He had a good solid impactful recording and was just as involving as mine,, This was a surprise to me,,, I thought the spacial effect (stereo) would be better,,but it was,nt,,,,,,,Dont expect stereo recording to be the answere,,,I have hundreds of photos of recordind venues,,London Phil. Berlin Symphony,,Vienna Phil,,Etc Etc showing mic placement for stereo....All mics positioned in the orchestra on stands looking down on bald heads of the musictions,,,HOW IS THAT STEREO<<< BULLSHIT !!!! It is your logic that is wrong,,,I have been at this recording longer than you.... I,m right and your wrong and that ends the discussion.... MaronRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site