Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: A new 'chic' foolishness about mono systems
Post Subject: Ambiophonic is fine but...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/18/2010

 zako wrote:
I have been recording professionally for over 30 years...Both monophonicly and in Stereo,,,,Ambiophonics to me came closer to what i hear naturally..But decoding properly was not caught on by the general public...

Zako, Ambiophonics is wonderful but unfortunately the Ambiophonic decoding is not compatible with stereo recordings. It is hard to say why Ambiophonics did not take off. Still, the subject of this there was the irrational in my view promotion of Mono buy some fools as some kind of advance model…

The caT

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