Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: "This Mid Bass Project has turned into a Joke"Posted by msaudio on: 6/15/2010
Putting The Mid Bass horns behind your head will not work. This thread was about Mid Bass Horns Project, do you thank you will be able to use any frequency above 80 cycles with rear fired horns that are behind your head? That is a Joke. It looks more like a low frequency horns thread. So you are building a set of horns that will have a range of 35Hz to 80Hz max if even 80 might be a big question mark, there will be some real bad phase problems, time alignment will make it so your forced to use digital crossovers and that is more of a joke. You would be better off with the way your system was to start with, an a few mods that are simple. I preach horns but i will be the first to say that over sized horns suck. You will spend a lot more then $1000.00 on a Attic horn fiasco and when it is compleat you will want to start over because of the disapointment. But this will work out just great because you will go to a large horns setup for bass, then in the future after you learn from your mistake you will be bad mouthing them to. But pride and you pocket book will take the hit. Preaching Horn Religion MsaudioRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site