Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Suspending DisbeliefPosted by Paul S on: 5/30/2010
Never in my life have I heard a plywood horn of any description that was other than a resonator. So, although I cannot draw on my successes, I do have a long list of failures to go on, to add to my extensive experience as a builder. Based on my experience, it could be quite a trial to build and tune a plywood horn in the vaulted ceiling, and it's hard to imagine how it could be profitable for a craftsman to work for a fixed price, with "successful completion" tied to an opinion regarding the sonic results of the end-use horn.
Another area of difficulty facing the developer of horns like this is the fact that it will only be possible to evaluate the units in situ, along with the possible need to re-tune them as the rest of the system is developed around them.
How would one go about determining a starting point for the horn profiles? What sort of materials would one use that could be hung on the existing rafters?
Best regards,
Paul S
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site