Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Prices in High-End Audio.
Post Subject: Be careful....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/27/2005
abortion pill cost
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link Yago,
This is your third post at this forum and the third time you only care to yank my tail juts because “something doesn't make sense” to you. I have no problems to chew up to you what I meant but following my pedagogical inclinations I think I’ll let you to learn to accept your own limitations, and to live with them. If you wish somebody to educate you on the subjects of your interests then try to ignite somebody‘s at least interest. So far you was not successful.
You see, I presume that at this forum each post presents a result of the poster’s thinking or actions. So far none of your post present any thinking or introduction anything of your own on the subjects. How your curiosity about my gender relates to the subject of “Prices in High-End Audio”? Was it all that you got from the posts above?
Anyhow, frankly sparking, so far you sound like the few individuals whom the idiot Eric Brutten “strategically” sent a few month ago to this forum and who desperately wanted to convert this site into a locker room – the intellectual state that fully relates to Eric Brutten persoanlay and the lightweight-cretins with whom he befriended. If it so and if you will not able to post any valuable content then I will leave you where I left all those Ali Hassans and the other Brutten’s aliases….
This is last time I reply to you if your post is not subject-bound.
Be careful,
Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site