Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Instead of pink plastic pellicans...Posted by jessie.dazzle on: 4/13/2010
Romy wrote:
"...The big problem is that the listening room looks on reservation land and there are some very mean birds in there. At nigh they sound like car alarm – very annoying. I have discovered that when I flip the pool light then the birds shut up for a minute but then they do it again. Probably I would need to consult ornithologists to deal with the birds. I hate to see myself on the roof with falcon scaring the local birds in order to play some tunes…The local folks tell me that I am a nerdy idiot..."
Let the local folks know exactly what they're dealing with rightup front: Instead of the standard pink plastic pellicans, get yourself two or three of the most evil, most bad-ass looking fake owls you can find, and mount them on the roof of your new room (or on your antenna when you get it set up).

This is a recognized solution to a common problem over here where the offending creatures are pigeons; it might also prove to be an effective tool in negotiating with your new friends. Despite what you might find posted here and there on the subject, I can tell you I've seen this solution in action... Its effectiveness in dissuading pigeons is the reason good fake owls fetch such a high price over here.
I see that Amazon has them... Oh, I think I just stumbled upon a new Day Job!
And here's something to keep in mind should the process of "suburbanization" start to wear on you:
Ayn Rand wrote:
"...Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men..."
The room looks FAB!
jd*Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site