Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Chinese upperbass horn.
Post Subject: Re: Rich’s driver: alleged concerns.Posted by rdrysdale on: 8/19/2005
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italia Romy,
You make all very good points. I probably shouldn't call the front of the driver a phasing plug, because actually the long wavelengths really don't care much about the shape of the exit, they will just pass right through. It is more of a compression control device. Both of our compression drivers do low frequencies very well, our high frequency driver is flat to about 100 hz, and is only about 10 db down at 10 hz when measured in a plane wave tube. We haven't measured the bass driver yet, but I suspect it is probably flat to 20-30 hz. The bass driver will play to about 8 khz, and actually sounds quite good up to that frequency. A bent horn does very much concern me, I think Jeffery is on the right track with a straight bass horn, maybe one could be built to exit into the room, and dive under the floor for most of it's length, but then there would be no adjustment for location. Steve is currently looking into some bend designs based on early designs that minimize the effects on the high frequencies, something to do with the configuration of the width to the height of the bend. We didn't know what to expect from the carbon fiber, the original RCA drivers were made with phenolic resin and very thin silk cloth. We haven't been unable to get any suitable samples of phenolic resin to try, and since I have a patent using carbon fiber in the aerospace industry, we decided to give it a try. The very first diaphragms that we made actually sound better than the phenolic and produced slightly higher frequencies. The carbon fiber is lighter than the phenolic, and is a little stiffer, plus there is no noticible ringing when the diaphragm is tapped. There may be other materials available that perform even better, and we will always look for these, but right now we are very happy with the carbon.
RichRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site