Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Chinese upperbass horn.
Post Subject: a reply start on rich's drivers...Posted by Jeffrey Jackson on: 8/19/2005

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I think first, it needs clarifying that rich is only planning to use the driver from 50 to 250.. it will surely play, and play well, up into the k's.. I'd be very surprised if it didn't play all the way up to the 4kHz of most phenolics..

as to the horns, yes, when you give a horn a snail curve (never a fold!) it will reduce the highs to a very narrow beam.. and although I am with you to some extent on harmonics, a snail will preserve more of the highs than is needed.. the crossover will still likely need to be very carefully implemented.. but this snail option is much better than a fold.. it preserves the straight horn sound if done properly.. I actually think that what the driver is adding above the passband is what is causing the slight trouble I hear in my straight horn.. the paper cone driver is adding too much from it's own resonant characteristics.. it slightly muddies the mids..

and which driver is rich using down to 250, you ask?  his own!  it will play quite happily down to 250 Hz.. much lower on a proper horn.. I believe Steve said something ridiculous like 10Hz on teh plain wave tube.. and up to 17kHz last I heard..

and carbon fiber... this is for sure a tough one.. and one that Steve was most concerned about.. he is a vintage and paper maniac.. but to label all carbon fibers the same is to say all woods are the same.. even more categorizing than that.. it totally depends on the resins used and the quality, type, orientation, etc of the fibers.. it can eat life from music or pass it on.. you have to play to get it correct (I did my thesis on thermoplastics - I wish I had kept up my work in that field - it was interesting).. I just think that "streophools" have taken it too far dead just like everything else..

now phasing plug and damping?  you may be very right, Romy.. there is so much we don't know.. and I think Rich would agree.. we can only hope that in the next 50 years of playing with horns with our renewed focus on home hifi that we can try many of the options and try to figure out WHY things sound as they do... good or bad..

so, yeah, I am on rich's side.. one, because he is a super nice guy.. two because his machining is world class.. and three, because he is rolling his own compression drivers!  I gotta support that...

conclusion?  I don't know.. let's continue with the constructive feedback... but there were a lot of points in there that I wanted to clarify or at least give my biased opinion on..

Rich? Romy?


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