Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Chinese upperbass horn.
Post Subject: Re: The Rich’s driverPosted by rdrysdale on: 8/19/2005
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Our bass driver has a 12v field coil motor, it developes just over 20 kilogauss flux density using a low carbon steel pole piece. The exit diameter is 4 inches at the moment. The diaphragm is 6 inches in diameter and made of a single layer of carbon fiber with a 2 inch diameter voice coil using copper clad aluminum wire. The design of the driver is very different from most, the diaphragm is cone shaped and clamped rigidly to the center of the phasing plug, and the perimeter of the diaphragm is made of felt, and clamped with a mounting ring to hold it in place. The combination of rigid center mount and felt surround give a very well damped and precisely located diaphragm. Because the diaphragm is fastened to the phasing plug, it wouldn't be possible not to have the plug, however it would be possible to machine it in such a way that it would act as an exit throat and blend right into the horn. We haven't taken many measurements yet, and the final design is still being optimised. We are trying to find the best compression ratio by machining different exit configurations, and found some errors in calculations in our first design, which was very constricted. We redesigned the voice coil and the phasing plug and have made great improvements over the first drivers. We plan on the operating range to be from 40-50 hz up to 250-300hz. This driver is rather large, the phasing plug is 9 inches diameter, and the driver weighs about 40 lbs.
RichRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site