Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Batteries, possibly a means to an end? I never said anything but.Posted by oxric on: 3/21/2010
 drdna wrote:
Remember I am not systematically anti-battery. I am anti-"pro-battery" which is to say I do not view it or anything else as a panacea. Each electrical device accomplishes a goal and degrades sound. The goal is to work within your system to find the optimization of device configurations that achieves the goal of conveying Sound with the least degradation. I do not argue at all that in some systems, the battery will work well. It may not be the best possible solution for that system nor the most practical, but it may be an improvement. Similarly, if my speaker wires were broken and I got some Monster Cable from Radio Shack, it may not be the ideal solution, but it is an improvement over no music. 

The core of what I am saying is that no device is a panacea. Each device is simply a tool for a specific purpose, that must be viewed within a context. The battery may work well in some systems for some purposes, but we should not be lulled into the belief that it is a universally good thing, nor should we come to believe that we need look no further.



I could not agree more with the above views and not being pro or anti-battery myself, there is no danger I would view batteries as either a universal panacea or anything other than a device that may be part of the plethora of tools at our disposal when we seek to address some perceived weakness in our playback. I hope I did not sound too abrasive but trust you will forgive me if I say that I did so in order to emphasize a point, as the subject of batteries deserves to be given more serious consideration, in my mind.

On a separate note, I have also read a little more into the PP2000 that you are apparently now using. It sounds very promising. It can be battery powered by internal batteries for about ten minutes, and for longer by making your own battery power packs. Now here is the interesting thing...After reading Romy's experiences with it, I called up the company and one of the technicians suggested that as part of the listening tests that were carried out, it was thought the unit sounded as good powered off the mains as when it was powered off batteries. I will be the first to acknowledge the logical flaws in this argument, and the other unknown quantities in their evaluation processes, but it does suggest that batteries do no harm, a surprising result given the high current demands that could be made on the unit. You are of course well-placed to pursue that line of inquiry if you are so inclined, although I doubt you will be, being 'anti pro-battery'.


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