Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: Pacific Microsonics Model 2
Post Subject: Wearing a platinum necklace and the improvement.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/17/2010

 manisandher wrote:
Ah, OK. I was of the belief that the Model One could only operate at 44.1 or 88.2. 
The only different in clocking is that Model Two has 4 x modes. Model one runs 44, 48, 88, and 96K
 manisandher wrote:
Oh yeah, there are plenty of other things to worry about... provided the clock isn't drifting and accelerating away (if indeed it started out at exactly 44.100Khz in the first place).
A few years back I have a famous industry person visiting me and he played his jazz records. So, accidently put it at 45rpm and it took for him a few trucks to feel that something was wrong. So, your 22Hz out of 44kHz is nothing…
 manisandher wrote:
Yes, it's pretty safe to bet that I wouldn't be able to hear this. Although the other day, my wife walked in wearing a platinum necklace, and I could have sworn that I heard an improvement in the sound. But it doesn't work for anything cheaper than gold.
I think if she was wearing the ONLY necklace of any material and nothing else then it would work for you as well…

The Cat

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