Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Midbass Horns and Real Estate.
Post Subject: My five centsPosted by twogoodears on: 2/6/2010
Dear Roman and all... also unrequested/unsolicited, MUST give my opinion on the above... I had to translate my 2,3 meters from my Gotorama speakers system, and obtained 7,6 or so feet... it's angled 110° in front of my head, placed on 5,3 meters long wall in a 22 sq.meters dedicated room... WHAT I obtain in this setting is hard to believe and seldom heard everywhere...
DPOLS or not... I learned this very sort-of BIG earphones technique after 13 years spent with my Quad ESL and some years with Stax F-81... I mean: don't bothering about apparent foolishness of installation, BUT payibg utmost care to the final result, soundstaging, detailing and overall trueness to my ears.
Maybe we are more than we believe;-)
... doing it the wrong way, BUT enjoying a lot.   

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site