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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Jessie Dazzle Project
Post Subject: I agree, but YMMVPosted by ayebee on: 1/11/2010
Yes, I agree. If the output of the fundamentals-channel is controlled via the slopes in the crossover, the opportunity to set the output on a recording-to-recording basis is lost. If one, however, has the output of the fundamentals-channel fixed, then my suggestion wouldn’t be equally faulty. In your system context I know this is a very important feature (maybe even the very idea of the channels existence?), so it depends on the purpose of this channel, I guess.

I also understand your argumentation on why adjusting MF-sensitivity via the high-pass cap is not recommendable, but I guess this also comes down to the responce of the specific driver/horn combination, and the level of sophistication that one has achieved with the present setup. If you’re 100% satisfied with your MF-response, then of course stay away from the capacitor. In my case it did subjectively work (and my very crude RTA didn’t say otherwise, but I did of course to some degree change the MF-response, although I couldn't detect it), in another case it might very well not. To change a capacitor, then measure and listen, is still a very simple procedure… Smile


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