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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Configuration from Italy: multisell++ and double model 19.
Post Subject: RTA and aural experiencesPosted by twogoodears on: 1/8/2010
Thanks for the wise, simple instructions, Roman, also useful to others, I believe... that's what I actually do since I - 'twas ONLY 15 months ago... - became conscious of the limits of my tuning-by-ear and got my IVIE IE-30 with Class A measurement microphone (Bruel & Kijaer) and IVIE IE-20 Pink/White Noise Generator.
That's exactly how I tuned my own system since then... one channell at a time, every single voice, first... 1 meter and sweet spot... then the other channell... then grand-total from sweet spot...
Two homeworks for next weeks: as I'll visit again Toni as soon as he'll receive his new mid-low SG-505 drivers, we'll prepare an adapter from 4 nuts Altec 1803 to screw-in Goto's and we already agreed to use my RTA gear, the very first time ever, "chez Toni's", for a diffferent way of fine-tuning the combo.
Last but (far, far...) not least... after taking pictures of IVIE's Leds reading during fine-tuning of the four ways, I'll re-handle my own speakers levels accordingly...
My gut feeling bring me to the fact Toni's keeping both high and mid-high at a lower level, so, apparently, sounding less lively than "chez moi"...
The level-of-details-scoring: my own vs. Toni's is - scale of 10 - is 7,5 vs. 6... a three ways VOT enclosure, 288 in Iwata horn and Coral H-104 would be 4,5...
I guess it's not something related to Goto, Altec or whatever... as my sweet spot is 2,3 meters from horns nearest mouth, while at my friend place it was between 3,5 and 4 meters (must check)... the different blend of ways give a different overall result... thus the relative improved "smoothness" I noticed and appreciated, still keeping the details I'm freak of...
Will report asap.
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