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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: Let the 6AK5 to be 6AK5.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 12/27/2009

 Paul S wrote:
Anyone ever tried the "pinless" tubes that have long-ish wires in place of the usual pins?

A Moscovite I ran across has Russian mil-spec 6AK5 "equivalents" that have pinched glass and the wires instead of pins.  Oddly, Lamm lists the type numerically as interchangable, but I wonder: surely there are two versions of this type of "6J1P-EV" (actually, designation is Russian/Cyrillic...) tube, one with the usual pins and one with the longer wires.  Then I wonder how I'd connect them, and how I'd kep them not only connected but physically stable, to deter microphonics and self-noise.  Maybe the "EV" part of the designators describes the wires?

Maybe I should just solder the EV things in there, stop worrying about the lousy tube sockets?

Paul, again, I am not sure that understand what you are trying to do. Why you are looking a substitute for 6AK5? The 6AK5 is a fine tube and there are many of them girt cheap. You can get the best western 6AK5 you wish.  If you have a problem with socket then you might replace them or you might clean them ONCE and use a socket saver. To go for a soft pin tubes on the areal amplifier of the regulator? What for? I had ML2 and I did felt that “better” 6AK5 give a very slightly different sound. Was it better sound? I do not think so. Also the difference was so negligible that I did not bother to play with it. I would understand if you try to use in there “faster” pentode but the 6AK5 is fast enough as it was made for IF amplification. I never had any problem with 6AK5‘s microphonics or self-noise, so I do not know what you are talking about. How do you know that you have microphonics in 6AK5, how do you measure it?

EV does not mean wires type.  You might get info about Russian abbreviations from here.

Still, I would not go for Russian tubes in the voltage amplifiers. You need to answer to yourself why you are looking into this direction.

The Cat

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