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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: A quest for a better monitor.
Post Subject: The "Whole System" ApproachPosted by Paul S on: 11/13/2009
Mani, I am not talking about the Zu when I say that there is little chance of just buying and plugging in any given ready-made component into any given system and getting Music, ever. If anyone asks me, I always say, think of speakers-amps-room as one "factor" in an integrated system, and try to build from there.  Basically, if you can't [over]load your room correctly, then you are pretty much stuck in the chute no matter what you do from there, on.  

The idea of "mix-n-match" "hi-fi products" is one of the "smartest" (and worst) things the "audio press" has ever worked up and sold to the "audio consumer".  Presently, this idea not only underpins all current audio magazines, but the success of this idea is literally the hinge upon which any current "audio publication" swings.  Of course, they could never have done it without plenty of help from the Morons®, who are both their life blood and their beasts of burden.

Likewise, do not ass-u-me that just moving to the EXTREMELY DIFFICULT horn/DSET mode will result in quicker gratification.  As crazy as it sounds, no matter which way you go, you have to somehow "hear it before you build it". IMO, there is literally No Way to simply "assemble a system" that makes Music using some lucky combination of "bought goods".  Part of you simply must be invested, and that is the part that you wind up building on; your "Foundation", if you will.

Don't worry about selling stuff you "don't like".  To another Moron® it might be the Legendary Stuff of Dreams.  Be honest about what it is; simply hold your current opinion.

Best regards,
Paul S

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