Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Greek Anima Loudspeakers
Post Subject: About the fear of the “free advertisement”.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/10/2009

 Morfeas wrote:
Wouldn't comment because using a public forum for free advertisement is not my cup of tea.

 Morfeas, you of cause might do whatever you wish but I would like to point out that the concept of “free advertisement” is not a expression that even remotely applicable to the framework of my site. This site is as far from “advertisement” as possible and it has very strict and very narrow-minded sonic objective. Also, this site is not free for advertisement. Mentioning anything at this site might expose a concept or a product to critical inspection without any respect to a people, circumstances or status.

I think that propelling at many public forums filthy crony-solicitation practice made you to fear yourself to behave like you advertise something. The funny part is that there is nothing wrong with advertising if you are able to stay behind what you say. We almost lost it in audio as manufacturers do not have voice in audio. The public voices that we hear are the voices of empty-headed whores who hardly understand the meaning of the words that they us. I feel it is incorrect and therefore I asked YOU what you think about the sound of your speakers. If you and me discuss any third party speakers then we would be able to exchange opinions but what is the deference if in this case this third party speaker is yours?  Do you advise me to wait until a pimpy industry idiot would express his/her prosaic idiocy about your speaker? I would prefer to hear from you not from them. It might not be your “cup of tea” but it is only because the industry peed to long time in your cap and you lost a feeling how tee might taste. In any other sane industry – if you for example build bridges, make brass instilments, design cars, perform music or write software – you, the creator, would be the very first and the very valid entry to assess the value of your creation and you will be very welcomed to express your opinion publically. In the stupid hi-fi the industry made you to feel “humble”. Sure, it is up to you, but be advised that they made you to feel this way deliberately in order THEM to have a control over your voice. I do not support this “convention”.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site