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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Super Melquiades Amplifier.
Post Subject: A litile war with Super Melquiades.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/17/2005

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Chris, at this point it is hard to say anything defiantly. Subjectively it sounds like the Super Milq has slightly less HF extension and transient then the regular Milq, although the output transformer of the HF channel of Super Milq runs higher and flatter. From a different prospective the HF channel runs just a half-anode of the 6C33C. I remember that when I experimented with a half of the tube with the regular Milq I had in some way the similar result. Using half of this tube rely nicely removes this tube gilts and schmaltz not I have to lean to do it without loosing some transient bubbleness.

Well, I would not say that Super transient is HF challenged. It rather sound now at HF like any other better amp but it does not has the crassness, sense of instantaneousness and the phenomenal transient that regular Melquiades had. The Super Melquiades at its H sounds very musical and relax but not “revolutionary musical” as the Melquiades-regular did.

I still would like to stay with ½ of 6C33C and in worst care scenario I will put into the Vitavoxes S2 drivers the older aluminum surround diaphragms and they will push out the transient of the transients. Before I move to such a radical solution I think that there is two places in the Super Milq HF channel that have some room for improvement.

The HF channel has 13.5dB voltage devider at input that is made with RN60-55 resistors. They are wonderful resistors and I do love them but there are better. In the regular Milq  there were used S102 in the devider and I defiantly should replace them the RN60s.. Also it will be some resistors cancellation in input stage that would effectively remove one resistor from the signal path. I sincerely feel that it will have a positive effect.

The second thins is even more important. I consulted Dima with it and he explained that in the Super Milq and the regular Milq the between stages capacitors perform very different duties. In the Milq it was juts a coupling cap but in the Super Milq it is a filtering cap. According to him they work very differently and the demands for the cup in the Super Milq is order s of magnitude higher. In the Milq I use a wonderful 2 uF Electrocube 950 (I love this cap) that “sounded” fine. In the HF channel of Super Melquiades I shot to 3.700Hz that requires 410pF cap. None of the known to be good caps have such a small value, and to be over 400V at the same time. So, I put in the game Silver Dipped Mica. I really do not know how it sounds in this application. It is possible that the Mica cap does something with transient. I’m still on the market for a good pF-level coupling cap. Initially I meant to use in there air-caps (like in my phonocorrector) but it looks like it will not work out at 400V. I ordered for a test vacuum capacitors and will have them next week. Will see how then behave. Meanwhile if you have any suggestions for 400-2000pF caps the let me know. Or perhaps with time pass by the Mike will open up… Who knows….

The Cat

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