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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The ultimate buffer – light in the end of a tunnel
Post Subject: Debugging the PlacettePosted by Romy the Cat on: 11/6/2009
Actually I did try to drive Melquiades from different source. My old tube buffer, my phonostage and any other not DC-coupled source were not able to drive it. The 6-ch Melquiades is pain in as to drive. It has around 5K input impedance and the impedance is active like hell – I have 6 filters sitting right from input. As soon I put any voltage dividers before the amps then all Sound got “dropped”. The only souses that were able to drive Milq were the DC-could Bidat, Pacific and Lavry. They all around 40R output impedance that is comparable to 11R output impedance of Placette.
It is interesting that you have such a positive result with a custom made tube preamp. I very much doubt that it might have fuller and deeper bass and any advanced in dynamics. I think if your type preamp does not do any unintentional EQ (many of them do) and if it has advantage over Placette in bass and dymick then it might indicate some kind of bug in playback or in evaluation. I do not treat Placette as some kind of references but from what I know the properly working Placette shall not loss to in bass and dymick to anything. What is your source that you use to drive Placette or your custom tube preamp? It your sourced is a powerful enough to drive you amps directly then try to do the bypass test and compare how your tube preamp and Placette compare not against each other but against a front-end output and direct bypass. Let discard the “haze across the entire spectrum” and the “emotional attachment” and juts to pay attention to what happen with bass and domains.
Rgs, Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site