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In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: Zanden 2500S CD player + some general attitude comments.
Post Subject: The hard-reading vs. soft-readingPosted by Romy the Cat on: 11/4/2009
tuga wrote: |
Don't you think that this “soft reading” players with no rythm syndrome could have mainly to do with dynamic compression, which is as much a feature of many "analog sounding" CD players as high frequency roll off? |
I personally do not think that it is a compression but it rather some kind of strange inflection of accent. A soft reading CD players sound like this:
“Italian conductor Fabio Luisi and acclaimed 21-year-old French pianist Lise de la Salle collaborate in their BSO debuts, performing Saint-Saëns' elegantly virtuosic Piano Concerto No. 2 with the orchestra.”
The hard-reading CD players sound like this:
“ItaAalian condUctor Fabio LuIIIsi and accLLlaimed 21-year-old FREench pianist Lise de la Salle coLLaborate in their BSO DebUts, perfOrming Saint-Saëns' eleGantly viRTuosic Piano ConcErt0 No. 2 with the OrchestrA.”
The hard-reading vs. soft-reading might be also applied to the fact how different transports read different types of disks.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site