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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: ... again on GOTO Unit drivers...
Post Subject: Time-aligned again - physical or relativePosted by MINGSU on: 9/2/2009
If you look behind the physical time alignment and start discussion about relative time alignment, that is a good start.
Thing puzzle me about your view and comment of GOTO system setup that you have seen on pictures or web. How will you know they are not already in relative time-aligned even most of them are not shown as physical time-aligned.
Again, GOTO has never said to ignor time alignment but there are many other factors can be addressed which have no space limitation and can be taking care of first. If one has the space and room and want to do the so call physical time alignment, they should do it but if limited by space, they should not stuck on this physical time alignment issue. They should try to use relative time alignment for setup.
About the quote of GOTO's view on the electronic, it is an interesting topic. It is really a chicken and egg question. W/o a good speaker system, how will one evaluate electronic gear? Same, w/o good electronic how will one evaluate speaker system? To solve this question, GOTO design their own preamp, amp and active crossover to address this need. I will not claim that GOTO electronic is the best but they are not shy to compete with top of line commercial gears.
About crossover - again - 1st order for active and 2nd order for passive - that is the recommendation from GOTO.
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