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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Prices in High-End Audio.
Post Subject: Re: Prices in High-End Audio.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/8/2005
There are few evil things within the mechanism of High-End pricing. I will start form the beginning of my list:
1) Disassociation of manufacturers from consumers
The High-End audio manufacturers do not target their efforts to provide “service” to the consumers. Rather they conceive a notion, concept or more frequently a pile of BS and then they design/manufacture/market “something” (or “anything”) the backups this concept. Theoretically there is nothing wrong in this scenarios but it is only theoretically. In the real world the concepts themselves become the domination forces of the manufacturer’s thinking and perception and this completely arrests/paralyzes the manufacturer’s/designers’, abilities (presumably they had any). As the result a manufactures do not serve the “interest of the results” but she/he concentrates all his/her efforts to support the live-cycle of the concept. The propagation of the concept, it’s ornamentation, embellishment and cashing the concept out become a self-consuming task for the manufactures and their consciousness totally block itself out from the reality of sound reproduction. I have seen it many-many times with all level of manufactures: they are comfortably numb and almost absurdly senseless in their ability to get the imperative and irrelevant aspects of Sound -I do not practically blame them I juts present the facts. Ironically but the manufactures melt with the consumers might bring them back to reality as a reference. Unfortunately it does not exist. The times when you had an “old Jew” on a basement and to whom you might go, talk with him, explain your needs, pay to him and ask him to delivery the result that YOU demand…. are gone. In place of the “old Jew” came a Moron who has no knowledge, not abilities and no even aptitude to differentiate the results. This Moron has a bumper-sticker intelligence and the pop-corn skills, however he visualize himself as a chef -designer of Jet-Propulsion Lab and he feels that he blesses humanity if he decided to manufacture Audio. I mean the person who places himself/herself at the position of providing any professional service for others should have some advance skills or knowledge in the field. So, the tight association between the manufacturers and consumers would help to the consumers to monitor who was that person behind that manufacture curtain. Yes, in very many cases (my estimate 80%) the individual who market their products / services as “industry professionals” should NOT be there. Therefore, the bringing the spot light back to the person who does audio would let us, the consumers, to filter out 80% of all audio products …. before even listening to them.
If we Americans nowadays are demanding a mandatory IQ teats for an individual who ran for the office of US President then why we do not demand the Audio IQ test for an individual who make for us our loudspeakers of amplifier taking from us our $70.000?
How all of that relates to the prices? It affects very directly the second reason of Hi-Fi prices absurdly:
2) Deficiency in of real and objective evaluation methods that would objective place the High-End products in a hierarchy of the consumer benefits.
To be continue...
The cat
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