Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: A CD off tune? The Big CD Conspiracy theory?
Post Subject: Pirated CDsPosted by scooter on: 8/26/2009
Hi Romy,
I purchased a few CDs from Amazon or Ebay last year that sounded terrible.
After some analysis of the printing on the CD packaging, I noted some minor imperfections. On a whim I plugged the UPC code (the price bar) into google and sure enough the code on the Amazon CD case liner was wrong. I then purchased another copy of the same CD at a legitimate local CD dealer and noted a difference in the level of compression between the two. Although I did not test the frequency responses of the CDs, I suspect there was some type of MP3 downloaded from the internet then produced by a pirate.
You might try the same experiment, perhaps looking at the frequency response of the Amazon CD vs. that of a CD obtained from a more secure source.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site