Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: About Wilson Audio Loudspeakers
Post Subject: RE: Wilson 'sound effect'Posted by Axel on: 8/15/2009
it is quite fascinating how well you depicted (listening to WP 8!) what I heard, listening to some 5.x
I.E. "some characteristic shining or radiance probably induced by the breakup of carbon-doped paper cones in combination with the anorganic-particle-doped acrylate enclosures and the slightly metallic signature of the titanium tweeters"
Having just gone over another older posts, and all about various standing waves = breakup when at its worst, on resonating materials (cones, enclosures, etc.)
Quoting Bud: "... As an example, if you are walking on the sidewalk in town, feeling safe and secure, obeying the rules, and you hear an unknown or surprising sound behind you, what do you do? You cannot avoid having your attention brought to this unknown, as you say, "Alien" sound. Your correlator and automatic threat assessment systems want this sound catalogued and it's source defined, NOW. Same is true when listening to art being redisplayed in your room as "music" I do not like having this threat sensor going off while I am listening to Horenstein conduct the L. S. O. through Mahler's third symphony in my living room
What he is describing is what I once posted --- Frightening" or "Relaxing" sound quality?, see:
I ran into a full broad-side of what Romy might call 'Audio Moronix TM'. It was like talking to people that only seem to listen to the clock radios...
I eventually asked if they could not hear these sounds because they may be "VC hardened"? I.E. used to the enemy's crackling branches in the bush setting of threat sensors. --- The reaction: "No idea and Not amused...!" :-(
Back to the 'Wilson effect', it is what Bud referres to as "Alien" sounds, and the small Wilsons have that in plenty supply.
It puts me on edge, I also do NOT like having my 'threat sensors going off while listening to Mahler's 3rd..."
However, a younger Audio friend of mine (has changed somewhat now, getting older?...) used to like this AV-like 'Wilson over the top effect'.
The small Wilsons are a bit like Bungee jumping, and not my idea when listing to ANY type of music. I got them out of my listening room real fast.
AxelRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site