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In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: My recent FM mystery
Post Subject: More FM mystery...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/26/2004
Jim thanks for the review and for the tip. I was not familiar with the T-2 model before.
I is really interesting what this tuner dose and how unexpectedly musically it performs. I listened today a number of broadcasts from the CDs that I am well familiar (and I do have quite capable digital playback) and for whatever reasons the tuner brushed the performances into very attractive result. What is appealing that the T-2 does not make music effective, showy and do not accent the language of the presentation? Nevertheless, the FM is still modulated sound: how the hell Yamaha did hide the language so skillfully?
Anyhow, I have to report today’s absolutely out of this world experience that the T-2 granted to me. I tuned today to NPR News Station and heard a short speech of the President Bush. My, God! Whatever this tuner dose to Sound but via T-2 the Bush sounded like a person who has IQ higher then a size of his shoe!
Romy the caT
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