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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: PurePower battery functionPosted by PurePower on: 7/13/2009
The PurePower batteries provide power to the AC regeneration whenever it is required. That could be during a black out, it could be during a brownout, it could be for a fraction of a cycle it could be for 10 minutes. The simple fact is the incoming Utility AC can have voltage sags of very short duration - of very long duration and they can be very deep, or very shallow. The batteries provide available power in all of the above. Without its own source of power it would be impossible to truly isolate the PurePower output from the incoming utility power. That is why there is no difference in sound when the PurePwoer is on battery or it is on utility supply. The output of the PurePower is not dependent on the incoming AC in any way - so the output is as if it was always running on battery.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site