Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Playing American Music on July 4?
Post Subject: The Greatest Living American Composer?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/2/2009
I am surprised and pleased to learn that you know him. Usually people never heard about him and it is a shame…
I also visited him a few years back. I would not say that I found his audio view were overly progressive but I did not detect that he had truly deep interest in audio, even though he had a quite good playback setup. The good part about Mr. Walker was that was not just a guy who composed and played music but who was very conscious about what he does and why he does what he does. I like it. Thanks for letting me know about his sons, it might be interesting….
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site