Telstar wrote : "'s always the DAC which accounts for the vast majority of the sound quality. This is why the guy above feels that his music server with Wavelength dac sounds better. There is also the unknown rule that NOS sounds better with a computer (and nobody can explain why)..."
Telstar, when you say NOS, I assume you are referring to what have apparently come to be known as NOS DAC modules, correct? The first time I heard about them was from the Wavelength web page, quoted below :
"...Some people call these NOS DACs or what I call zero DACs. The data input is the data output without any up/oversampling or other manipulation, which seems to make for a very analog presentation. [Wevelength markets them as their Transcendental DAC modules]. The reason I used this name [Transcendental] was because this technology is really an irrational approach that yields really good results. Basically Transcendental in math terms means irrational numbers..."