Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Bias help
Post Subject: The loading quandaryPosted by Romy the Cat on: 5/26/2009
The LL1627 is fine but it has core size limit. Lundhal is a fast and you might have some “extra” inductance with it as it will have “enough” HF for your transformer. If you have Lundhal then stay with 220mA and the inductance whatever will be left over. For a full rage I still would prefer to have inductance as the LL1627 would have at 150mA and current of 250-300mA. You would need twice larger core to do it and Lundhal would not go there.
Intactaudio will do for you I guess whatever sizes you wish (or can afford) and disagree that remapping of secondaries has any negative impact. The problem in all of it is that you do not know what would be "preferred" secondary load. If your speakers are 8R for instance then 8R secondary is not necessary what you want. Generally the average load for both plates 6CC33C at 250mA on anode is around 600R, those I prefers to have it loaded much idler. I think that anything between 600R and 1200R would be OK.
Lundhal has advantage that 8 secondaries are highly remap-able and you can get one test non-custom transformer to experiment with. With Intactaudio you can get replaceable coils of you miss your load too much.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site