Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Carbon Interconnect
Post Subject: What is it all about?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/11/2009

Armen, your notion that pricy cables might cost nothing and that it is a bad thing is absolutely bogus in my view.  I do not have need to argue this point but I think you might view into the subject deeper. Higher cost is paid for assurance to have off a shelf guaranteed result of targeted demand. The actual cost of a product is irrelevant, not to mention how much it cost to manufacture the thing.

I hope people who read/post at this site understand the difference between a “product” as an industry item and a “solution” as satisfaction of demands. Sure, it is good to make you own cables but if your objectives are just to pay less then you do it for wrong reasons. There is tone of cheeps cables out there that cost virtually nothing…

If you do have specific objective in cables (something that I do not think you do) then good luck to meet them with you custom cables. Do not forget to multiply the amount of hours you will invest into your Cable Projects to you normal billable rate and you will have an idea how much your new cable cost you.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site