Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: The tapped horns: cons, pros and Sound
Post Subject: No high passPosted by serenechaos on: 4/29/2009
ahh yes, tapped horn is what you would call "close bottom." It has to be designed around frequency response (which is very narrow band). It isn't a problem getting one to go low enough though, and the quality of sub bass produced, smooth yet dynamic, present not overbearing, and volume per footprint per watt input was much greater than the sealed boxes it replaced.
No, I do not use any high-pass filtration, or feel any need to. They have a steep enough acoustic roll-off, that i'm not at all worried about hurting the drivers @ the levels I play them at. If I were using them for PAs, or stadiums, (as Danley customers usually do), then I'd be concerned about it.
Same with thermal overload, and x-max, that devil audio guys worry about. But they're using 1000 watt amps, and trying to see how much spl they can put out...
I'm still in a "less is more" as far as adding electronics to the signal path.
Again, like those anti-rumble filters in phonostages you mentioned, that kill everything, not just under 20Hz...
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