Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: How to record FM broadcasts.
Post Subject: Funny setting for LynxPosted by Romy the Cat on: 4/22/2009
JP, that are funny settings. You source the clock from AES line but do lock it. I do not know at what rate you record but you’re A/D looks like output 88K, you card read 44K and it is not locked – a complete mess. Call to Lynx, they have incredibly good support and ask them what would be a prefer configuration for you and why.
HDTT, not so fast. ASIO do not sound better with Lynx. I have 5 or 6 different ASIO drivers and I experimented with them – not of them were better. They were not worse as well – it juts was no difference between use of Lynx’s WDM own native driver and ASIO drivers. BTW, neither ASIO nor WDM use Windows K-Mixer. I have chosen to use WDM and never use ASIO because of a few reasons:
1) More stable. I have a number of times when ASIO driver crashed.
2) The WDM use less machine recourses
3) Changes some of Wavelab setting and modes with ASIO require restart Wavelab.
4) The same sound results.
If you know any better ASIO driver out there then let me know.
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site