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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Single-stage Melquiades vs. DHT amps
Post Subject: Ok, what do I want?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/18/2009

Well, I kind of understand that my objectives for my “perfect” MF channel I have some irreconcilable differences.  Let see:

1)      No capacitors in signal path

2)      Bandwidth restriction, allowing employ DSET type output transformer with minimal inductance.

Sounds simple but it implies use of front filter that automatically implies impedance.  Is it possible to write a filter with of cathode or anode voltage? How about use of substation filter at line-level? The most important - do benefits that I get from use the DSET type output transformer over-weight the problem I get using the line-level filtration? The speaker-level 3uF filter on Vitavox driver works under high current and had less damns to any cap at line level of between stages. That however convert the amp into a full range – not the direction I would like to go.

Options, options, options… I still have no topology that would grab me conceptually and… I am not convinced that my current configuration is something that would have subjective sonic problems on MF.

The Cat

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