Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: The BSO and Digital Music.
Post Subject: Deutsches RequiemPosted by mats on: 4/8/2009
AIFF to Mac pro, made a 16/44 disc, and wow, even in this format it is very enjoyable,and shockingly dynamic! (I guess it is time to call Lavry.)This is such a moving piece, and to think how much more music can become available, a new era seems to be rising out of the ashes of sonic mediocrity. Our dollars will surely be our vote, and perhaps also comments on forums such as this. I wonder if there is a risk of some dark backlash from the record labels once it becomes known that an orchestra can sell directly to the consumer a product so superior?
Thanks Romy,
MatsRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site