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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: The “Dead Points of Live Sound”
Post Subject: The horno-live is defiantly is a bitch…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/14/2005
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rdrysdale wrote: |
So how do you suppose the proper DPoLS can be located? With a system like Steve Schell and I are working with, everything weighs hundreds of pounds and to properly evaluate changes would take days, maybe even weeks for one room. I suspect that the materials that a room is constructed of would also affect all aspects of the proper set-up position, especially the design of the floors, whether raised foundation, or solid concrete slab. |
This is very difficult question and in context of large and complex loudspeakers, and practicality the naturally time-aligned multi-way horns, it become super complicated. There are no other ways to find the “points” besides moving and listening. Then, a slight change of anything in playback offset the points and you should do it again. I feel that there are no more then a dozen or two dozens system around the world that are installed at the “points” – it is complex even if one knows about the “points” existence and have a sensitivity, patience and skills to find them.
My acoustic system is not in the “points” currently. I am waiting when I finish my Super Melquiades amp when each driver will have own dedicated and optimized amp and then I will try to place my “Macondo” into the “points”: it will be too complicated and I do not want to waste time doing it now. Last time my acoustic system was in the “points” it was during 5-6 month in a middle of 2002. It was phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal! At the time I was able to remove the speakers out of the “points” and place them back relatively easy. At that time my speakers were sitting on 3 spikes sand I made the very precise marking on my floor. Sticking the spikes back to the floor's holes I was able to be "almost there" and then it took a day or two to find the “point”. Then I change a preamp and never was able to find the DPoLS.
My current acoustic system – “Macondo” is about 500 pounds each channel. The woofer towers are 200 pounds and it is not problem to move them. The rest are 3 channels of horns. They all are balanced on the rectangular sand-filed base with a very small footprint, approximately 10x10. When we made the bases I asked John Hasquin to make them ¼” shorter then it necessary to balance my upperbass horn. The reason is that I glued under the bottom of the base 4 large furniture sliders (my Macondo sits on a carpet). Those sliders are very nice, I do not remember the brand name but they are ~$18 @ Home Depot. With all of it the Horn are very steady but at the same time quite manageable if I want them to be.

I think that when I hit the time when I go for the nailing down the DPoLS than I will be able to move the speakers without recruiting a moving company… The problems is the even with having a dream - the speaker position remote control (kind of motorized base on wheels) - it still might take weeks or even months to find those damn DPoLS… :-(
Yes, the live is a bitch and then we die… but this is the name of the game… :-)
Romy the Cat
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