fiogf49gjkf0d The Federated Mike got bored recently. The hi-fi show is over, the next show it too far, the pictures of his new speakers where been take from 3425 angles and there is no other excitement in his life. Some people (as I learned yesterday from my Seattle acquaintance) in order to get extra excitement in their life leave the settled US life and go into Afghanistan to help the local shepherds to artificially inseminate camels. The Federated Mike does not do camels –he does audio publications:
Ok, let leave the mockery tone aside as there is a very serious subject in there. The Federated Mike wrote:
“Why a new magazine? Oh, there are so many, many reasons. ….
… Music reviews are written in a manner that has little to do with the way audiophiles actually listen to music.”
This is VERY loaded comment and I am not sure that Mike even understands how loaded it is. Well, even if he understands it I very much doubt, in fact I am convinced, and that he has no solution for this problem. To write music reviews in context of audio objective is phenomenally complex, astoundingly complex. Neither Mike’s new magazine will nor any other known to me audio publications are able to do it consistently and there are a many objective reasons why they can’t.
Well, I predict that Mike’s new magazine will not even scratch the problem, might I be mistaken? Well you will see. I think the Federated Mike like any other politician juts used soundbyte, sort of phrase without meaning, but he did not really meant to address the problem but rather to capitalize on the problem naming. I do not see that in contemporary audio anybody have guts to attack the problem of integrated audio and musical reviewing seriously. Rgs, Romy the Cat