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Topic: Shell I install some kind of finding award? I might…

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 09-06-2008
It is a Chinese made 110mm or 4” woofer of ~90dB sensitively, rubber-suspended  ith aluminum plate in place of dust cover. I would buy 8-10 of them or so… Who know who made them and where can I buy them?

Rgs, the Cat

Posted by Simon on 09-06-2008
Does it have any Chinese characters hidden on it somewhere?

Posted by Romy the Cat on 09-07-2008

Nope there is no Chinese letters on the driver. There is just a number 3C12F, nothing else.

This driver was made for British Mission Loudspeaker Company and was used in nowadays out of production Mission mini-monitors. The Mission’s SCU was LF-CP210/M7 CP22-174

The Cat

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