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Topic: Also of some interest...

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Posted by horny on 01-18-2008
Perhaps I am asking for trouble, but did anyone had any experience with those SE mosfet creations made by Susan Parker?
Preamp uses Romy`s beloved 6C33C tube and the 10W power amp has two transformers, two resistors, one mosfet and that`s pretty much all.



Posted by Romy the Cat on 01-23-2008
Interesting that over the last month it is the third projects where people use 6C33S in preamps. A few days back I have a correspondence with Dutch guy, know to audio hoodlums as Direct Heated Rob:

...who told me that he is experimenting with low voltage use of 6C33C for his preamp. I never head those preamps it would be certainly interesting to try, even with all my disbelieve to tube preamps, particularly with two unnecessary transformers….

Posted by horny on 01-23-2008
might be the 6C33C power amp version of the Zeus single ended solid state amp (also with minimum number of components), here.
Sooner or later, I hope I will be able to try them both, until then

best regards


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