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Melquiades Amplifier
Topic: A perspective Melquiades commission

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Posted by k100 on 12-31-2005


So, I have decided I want to hear the Melquiades in my system.  But, I do not have the ability to build one myself.  I am looking to hire a skilled builder that would be interested in building the Melquiades for me.

Contact me at:


Posted by Romy the Cat on 09-01-2007

For the anyone who is looking for somebody building for them Melquiades  amplifier here is a possible lead.

There is a guy in Tennessee who runs “Experience Music” shop – it looks like he specializes in accepting custom commissioned work.

I do not know if he is wiling to act as a person who executes his “philosophy” about the “synergistic union” or he agree to be recruited as just an “assembly man” however, if you looking Milq builder then this Jeffery Jackson might be an oportunety worth to explore.

Good luck.
The caT

PS: I personally have no idea who this guy is and have no motivations or reasons to recommend him besides his announcement of his availability for custom commissioned work.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 03-03-2009

I received an email from a reader of my site who came from (he stressed it) and who lives a couple of states away. He is willing to build a full-range Melquiades amps but before he would like to fly over and to listen my playback, making his own judgment if it worth for him to build the Milq. After some consideration I decided to refuse.

I do not want to solicit or convince anybody and I do not think that listing my playback a person, particularly with DIYAudio background, would be able to say anything about the sound of Milq.  I agreed to answer all questions he might have but I refused to provide any further “persuasive” services.  I am sure it would be nice if people experiment with Milq out there but it will be their efforts. I have no interest to breed any Milq’s following or to cultivate Milq hype.

I know that it is not “friendly” but I am not in search of any audio-friends…

The Cat

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