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Topic: Aura 3D rehabilitation.

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-17-2025
I have been hesitant about it for a while. I clearly see a tremendous potential of it and the demonstrations that Bill was giving to me certainly very much encouragedge me. My reverberation channels processor begin to act up and I was faced at dilemma to get another reverberation procession or go full thread Auro. I decided to give Auro a try. 

I do not know if Auro will be a full replacement of what I was getting from my reverberation channels. It might be not or it might even eliminate reverberation channels. I do not know in this point. I certainly am not looking for a full immersive experience as Auro meant to be and I am certainly not driving main channels over Auro processor. However, I very much see that I might try to use some of the Auro channels as an expressive tool to get some aspects of space. I do not know at this point what exactly I want from Auro. The most important I do not know if I will find it beneficial for what I value in music. For sure it provide a spectacular and impressive photographic tricks over listening experience but it is remained to be seen if those new experiences have any practical benefits for music interpretation. I will be updating....

Posted by maravedis on 02-18-2025
Romy, I hardly dare write this post...
You have to try Bacch dsp. I'm not sure how to talk about it without sounding like a commercial. Yes, yes I know, you'll have to introduce digital to your chain. But honestly, it's akin to magic. It does lots of things - but the main thing for me is the 'music floating away from the speakers' effect - and with some recordings the acoustic rendition is truly phenomenal. On only very very few recordings do I feel the need to press the bypass button.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-18-2025
Thanks, I will look it up. My intentions for sure not to run my main channels over any type of digital transformation. I would like to have just very slight touch up with space treatment channels. Hopefully, Auro will be doing it more effectively then my reverberation injection channels. This all honesty I typically discard any digital processing on my channels that was my constant debate with Bill, who used his Termov pre-pro for everything. I sincerely feels that no matter how good it is still a major degradation of what I felt is important. However, then and few weeks ago he engaged ampX application concept of peace with base channels is that it's all his system showed off was very different. AmpX, come on many things provide certain moisturizing sound that feels is very beneficial for the result Bill's system typically demonstrate. Maybe it was something else, but while I was listening I have zero desire to improve anything, which happenes with me remarkably seldom. I think, buly some means, ampX shuts down in nuro-system of our brain concept of criticality. I am still looking into it and I am observing that many things we can see the critical and important before become under ampX kind of irrelevant...

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-18-2025
I did look at the Batch concept. The clam 3d binaural transformation. This is very very cool, as anything else which is binaural related. I do not know if anything is missed in there in the translation. Since they are on Mac only I will never know as I am religiously stay away from Mac. What is the most fascinating for me at this point would be to observe if binaural, or Auro or any other space construction technologes have any beneficial impact to what I feel important for music listening. We all know that any space reconstruction maybe very impressive as a demo. For us, the audio guys, it acts like smel of shit for flyers, and we all celebrate a new glamorous things. Yes, it does trick our neural system feel submerging effect, and it is very impressive. However, how much me as listeners got advanced by is this submerging? And this point I have no answer to this question.

Posted by maravedis on 02-19-2025
I too was extremely reluctant to get a MAC. (luckily you don't really need to touch it after installation). You could use the uBacch VST plugin on any OS if you play through a DAW. The effect is between 10-20% of the real thing - but it serves to prove that no nasty effects are added. 
For me the sense of ease and music just existing in my home space is a complete game changer. I very rarely consider I'm listening to HI FI now - the clever imaging effects that happen from time to time are fun but definitely not the main point of it all. And luckily, many many vintage orchestral recordings seem to have lots of wonderful spacial stereo in them - often amazing placements and sonorities of wind and brass sections. Bruckner, yes. I'm listening to a string quartet concert from BBC radio 3 at Wigmore Hall now - and I truly recognise the space, not as an ambience - but how the instruments fly around and react back from the hall.
Just one more thing - the extra room correction module ORC is unlike any other correction that I've tried. I believe it's truly ground-breaking how it works. In fact when I first got it going I was reminded of your preference for Loooong Bass... 
I had read about Bacch a while ago and was totally put off by the way it was talked about - in fact I kind of assumed it was a scam. But I assure you, what people say about it is generally very accurate -  just as my descriptions here are a bit hyperbolic!
BTW, if you need another AmpX beta tester, I'm ready to go...

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-23-2025
I made my Auro 3D process of working, configure the system and began to do some listening. I don't do a lot now, just took side.back channels trying to assess the benefits of entire concept. It is for sure, the Auro 3D injection works differently than revelation injection. I am trying to identify what I feel the difference is and at this point I cannot but it is very different. I am very far for even proposing for this better and what would the reason behind it. It is for sure a very different tools.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-24-2025

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-26-2025

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-27-2025
By the way I was trying to listen Auto 2D. I have no idea why but it is such a despicable garbage. I did all correct configurations. I have exceptionally good result when I play Auro 3D over 2D configuration, using just side channels nothing else, just main speaker and side.back, channels is that under  3D configuration just one extra speaker for channel on the side and slightly back. I have truly spectacular result, is the speaker properly covered. However if I drive the same speaker with Auto 2D then no matter what volume I use that injection channel it's always produce exceptional discomfortable result. Very strange.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-27-2025
I need to correct my mistake into my last video about. I proposed three reasons why properly implemented multichannel never was covered or endorsed by high:and audio journalist. I said it is because they are idiots and they cannot understand what is right versus what is wrong, or because they are a part of a conspiracy theory which keep multi-channel away from the market as they will lose huge percentage of subscribers to bullshits they sell. However I feel is that it's might be elo another reason. The company speech produce multi-channel processors are big global corporations who have established channels of distributions and say do not need any little pompous pimps with is there rusty sound and short term arms to market their products. So, since those pimps will not able to extort from the manufacturers huge amount of money and favors, they do not feel as I can milk that cow.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-28-2025

Posted by Romy the Cat on 03-16-2025

Posted by Paul S on 03-16-2025
I suppose I could have started with Compositions, but I am thinking about all the years gone by and all the "audiophile recordings" of bad Music, and this is a big reason why I have not branched out from stereo. At some point I circled back to try to get more from mono, not to lose my older recordings, but I am happy with Music I can get from stereo at this time. The question for me has been, how can I get more from the recording without "adding own sound" from the system (system processing) itself. Probably impossible, but I agree with you, Romy, the main thing I want from my playback is that the Music has to move me, and as a Musical Omnivore, I want to be moved by all sorts of Music that I enjoy. We have discussed it a lot, it seems Music can get lost in sound, including sound effects.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by Romy the Cat on 03-24-2025

Posted by Edgar= on 03-24-2025
That was funny.

Now your here, why not do it right and use a loudspeaker with 5 hz response for injection. it would help to integrate your infinite baffle to the rest of Macondo. One doesn't need the tone of vintage drivers, use cheap modern stuff with flat freq response, this is probably the one application in high end audio i would care for a speaker with those specifications lol.
If your injection channels are particularly phase coherent over the cross over region of your 18's and 15's that will help to stabilise the room through that transition. Thats an exciting proposition. 

Posted by rowuk on 03-25-2025
I thought that you used the big Dunlavys as your rear channels. That would eliminate the need for subwoofers.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 03-26-2025
Yes I certainly do not have issue to introduce for Auro bass channels as good solution as it could get, not to mention that I drive it by a dedicated AmpX. The problem is that at this point I do not know how deep it should go and how good it should be. I do not have enough experience to listen my fixed Auro, and to interpret what it means. As, now I have Macondo's bass chennals, acting as Auro's low frequency channels.  I need two more time to assess efforts I need to put in Auro subwoofers. From what I heard now I can certainly very much change Auro own configuration to go significantly more aggressively with it. Auro has own settings said I used to use very conservatively and now I can go this full blow. I need more time to listen more and to learn what it's all mean in my new setting.

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