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Horn-Loaded Speakers
Topic: Here is an example of the Horn Boxes I want to build.

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Posted by Jeff 49 on 02-20-2025
Good Evening everyone. Am so Glade I found this web site and forums. So my thoughts are this? Am looking to make a horn box for my speakers? I have full range drivers and I have had every but, a horn box. Am very interested in how this will play out and come into a reality and not just a thought. I would like to know what programs would help me design a horn box like the way they were intended to work and be used for with a speaker driver. I have the 2 following programs I can use for a horn box modeling size of the horn and out put.
1. Sound Easy version 30. Printed Manual (kinda of). Cost $289.00 for program.2. Hornresp.  program. No Manual. Free program. 3. I have bass box pro and crossover pro and a few other programs. Already bought. 
So for measuring I can buy a omni mic and get Rew (Free program) interface or a mixer with 48 volt phantom power to power the microphone to measure the speakers. I can also get pocket Clio and it can measure the speakers as well. I can get the new Dayton Audio Omni mic 44 ($599.99) that Just came out. Lots of options if I get a regular measuring mic and regular mic cable and so on. 
I would like to know what everyone’s thoughts and experiences are and what I should get and spend my money on? I’m looking for help and am a diyer and I have built speakers in the past and am getting back into it slowly now. I would  to build a horn box that models with my driver well and they work together. I have read a lot in the past about horn boxes and there design and am rereading to refresh my memory now. I know what I want and can explain and possibly draw it as well. (but, not the best drawer😂). I hope I explained it correctly? What is everyone’s thoughts? Thanks Jeff

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-21-2025
Jeff, I do not know anything about programs for horns. In my view they are not necessary. I do not know what you want to measure. Horns are very simple, start from a compression driver and go from there.

Posted by Jeff 49 on 02-22-2025
Good Evening and thanks for responding to my posted subject. I apologize for posting rewording my questions wrong? All the programs I listed above will simulate horn box’s. Here is a picture of the speaker driver and the manufacturers cabinet design for a ported box and a Horn box. It’s a Fostex FE126NV2 Drivers. Pictures below.

Posted by Jeff 49 on 02-22-2025
I have to figure out why my pictures are to big to post on the forum? Will work on it. Jeff

Posted by Romy the Cat on 02-22-2025
Sorry, I do not think to get any use from me or from anybody else in this form. I personally do not feel that FE126NV2 drive should be used for any horn loading but this is a separate subject. You might drive doyaudio and the forums alike

Posted by Jeff 49 on 02-22-2025
Thanks for your reply again. Yes am part of Diy Audio and I thought I would get more help or info on this forum about Horn box design? I would like to talk about why you think the Fostex FE126NV2 drivers shouldn’t be used in a horn box? Yes it’s a different subject all together. Can I P.M. you or send you a message if you don’t mind? Thanks Jeff

Posted by Bill on 02-22-2025
Horn Theory
Quarter Wavelength Loudspeaker Design

Posted by Jeff 49 on 02-23-2025
Thanks for the information you posted. I have read through a lot of it already and now knowing horns are a little more complicated then I Remember researching in the past.  I will read thoroughly through the articles (slowly). Thanks again. Jeff

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