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Topic: High-End Audio: buy vs. build

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 01-25-2025

Posted by Paul S on 01-26-2025
Well, it's a pisser to build something I don't like when it's "finished", that's for sure, perhaps more frustrating than bringing something home, plugging it in, and realizing it does not sound like I hoped it would in my situation.  Either way, you're out time and money. Basically, the best one can hope for is to get what one wants in terms of sound and hope it stays satisfactory, and this is true whether buying gear or buying and assembling parts. I hope for everyone that they can find others with similar taste to copy, or that they are lucky in finding components they want to keep. I agree that a 1:1 copy is actually pretty hard to do, and in rote, practical terms it is unlikely, for too many reasons to get into here and now. Not to mention, the first order of business is to truly know what one is after in the first place, while remaining open to any Audio Gifts one stumbles onto along the way. Then, there's the "re-set" (as distinguished from "ah-ha moments"): I had two re-sets along the way: FMI modular speakers, and the Lamm ML2 amps. They both made me stop, reassess, and re-order my whole audio sense of direction and my priorities. It's like a door gets opened that one can pass through into a Wonderland full of new opportunities. Build? Buy? Pick your poison. It really is the love of Music that drives me, albeit I also enjoy the process.

Paul S

Posted by Paul S on 01-26-2025
Shoulda said it to begin with, but safe to say, I think, the expressly personal nature of high-end audio virtually ensures that a seeker will have to, at the very least, put the finishing touches on any system at some point. Is this a prerequisite for a system to be called "high-end"? It might as well be, even if it's the process we're talking about rather than the gear, itself. After all, no pile of gear can make Music by itself.

Paul S

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