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Topic: ,,,aikovsky into Brahms but with so much fun!!

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 12-26-2024

Posted by steverino on 12-27-2024
This is by far my favorite Tchaikovsky symphony. Interestingly, IMO there are far more outstanding performances of his Pathetique or even the Sym 5 than his Sym 4. His first 3 symphonies are almost always performed even more poorly, so I suppose the 4th is somewhere in the middle of the pack in that regard.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 12-30-2024
I love and follow Semyon Bychkov. Here he does the 4th with very much non-russian sounding WDR Symphony Orchestra, my fav orchestra, btw.. It is so much a non-russian sound orchestra that they converted Tchaikovsky into Brahms but with so much fun!!!


Posted by Paul S on 12-30-2024
Not to hijack Tschaikowsky, but Bechkov/WDR also made a very nice Mahler 3 (~105 minutes...)!

Paul S

Posted by Romy the Cat on 12-31-2024
Bechkov/WDR and Mahler 3 is not just a good performance but it rather an operation on the open brain, absolutely amazing.

Posted by steverino on 01-04-2025
Just out of curiosity does anyone else but me like the Stokowski performance of the Tchaikovsky Sym 4. It first appeared on a Vanguard LP with the American Symphony which I assume was an alias for the NY Phil players slumming but maybe someone knows for sure.

Posted by Paul S on 01-04-2025
"The" Stokowski T4 performance? That's certainly one of them. My first connection with Stokowski was the re-introduction of Fantasia, after WWII. For decades I could not hear that music without seeing the cartoons in my head! Larger than life (or the original score...), as always! Old Vanguard LPs are great! Mine is not where it should be on the record shelf...

Paul S

Posted by steverino on 01-04-2025
Well if it is misplaced you will always recognize the cover. Stokowski Beserker! 

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