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Topic: 100% spot on

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 11-16-2024

Posted by Paul S on 11-16-2024
Great video, One for The Ages, Romy. I remember in the movie version of Carl Sagan's Contact, Jodie Foster's father/simulacrum tells her that the worm holes she traveled through were "already there" when the current space-traveling civilizations became advanced enough to put them to use, many thousands of years prior. I think audio can be like this, in that one thereby has access to the spectacular expressions of the most extrordinary Music of our time. My own experience has been that there is a lot of There there, and as hard as I try to get it all, there is yet more, and, as you say, it has often been other than I set out to find. I will always enjoy serendipity, and I am grateful for the education, the E one gets for the effort.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by Romy the Cat on 11-16-2024
Those Contact's time traveling tunnels are similar to Claude Shannon’s Information Theory communication bridges. Let's try to explore this direction. In order tunnel/bridge was established we need pointer to start, pointer to destination, a redness of a traveler to make the step forward and presents some kind of overarching executive branch of reality to establish this communication tunnel/bridge. If we substitute time traveling to consumer of musical experience and attribute to the different participants appropriate roles then we can present at playback system as an interface which establish and support the communication channel. This is not a bad metaphor.

Posted by N-set on 11-19-2024
Spot on on the system surpassing the owner like children surpassing the parent. I did feel that several times, which is probably even documented here, and that was highly stimulative and even transformative. Too complex to understand at a given stage of the development. In my case this had two basic layers: the musical layer (basically discovering the music I wasn't familiar with) and the expressive/interpretative layer of known music. And some other, more spiritual layers.
Spot on the lack of regular, working paths of navigation and that the paths that seem to work somehow look like madness. One of the most memorable and touching sound I've heard was in a flat of an older, budget audio person. He had some old Dunlavy's in the middle of the room, absolutely budget if not trash rest of the system and some strange pieces of equipment, scattered around the room and walls, disconnected and with their top plates removed. He claimed he needed them to shape the sound properly. He also claimed on good days, he could hear if he moved his shoes in the corridor behind the wall. Whatever he claimed or did, the sound is still in my memory despite the years. 
And I don't think Shannon theory will help. It a genius way to deal with a very simple if not vulgar things like bits of information, yes/no answers. I'm much more inclined towards Jung's analysis of alchemists and alchemy processes, I think it's a treasure box to understand certain things in audio.

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