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Topic: "Reference Room".

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 08-19-2016

Thinking about my new room acoustic treatment I came across a remarkable article: “5 Commonly Used Acoustic Treatments That DON'T Work“

I do not know what publication it is and who is this poor retard who wrote the article is but that is suck a spectacular pics of foolishness!  Hold on, now we know the author! According to the site he is “one of a young breed of audiophile who represents the future of the hobby.” Indeed.

Posted by Paul S on 08-19-2016
The guy never does say what he expects to get from those treatments, nor how he does get it.  Now, THAT might be an interesting read.

Paul S

Posted by xandcg on 08-20-2016
A thing that our friends never fail to  amaze  me is how they like to talk about their "Reference Room". Every single time I hear/read some one say "My Reference Room" automatically come to my mind something very professional made, a like mini concert hall, a made on purpose dedicated audio room.

Almost all the times it is just some room of their house, usually their living room, with some audio/acoustic products around. There is nothing wrong with that of course, and it is a interesting way to do the things, but I do not feel a shared room could be called "Reference Room" in audio (or anything) because, to me, a "Reference Room" for audio purposes were something built with audio-only in mind. I mean the best possible acoustic ambient for the purpose, without anything inside it does not need to have - ever if still a working in progresses.


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