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Analog Playback
Topic: Mikey Likes It!!!

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Posted by Paul S on 10-22-2014
Didn't read it yet, but... would it make any difference?

Also (OT), why is the font here so damned tiny on my screen, all of a sudden? Save space/bits? How you doin' with this type, Clark?

Paul S

Posted by rogier on 10-22-2014
Strange.., the purple one should be the trippy one and the blue with more focus and not vice versa.
Only 1 milligram of weight must be a strong medicine for your cartridge...

Posted by Paul S on 01-10-2015
In this month's Stereophile (February, 2015; Vol. 38, #2), M. Fremer expresses his appreciation for the PHTs. Add to this the fact that they are sold with a money-back guarantee and there is no reason to put off this purchase any longer!

Paul S

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