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Horn-Loaded Speakers
Topic: Horns and Loose Women

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 12-12-2014
Unquestionably it is a very interesting landscape project:
…however from audio perspective it does raise a very interesting question. As you can see the mouth of that exponential horn has holes. For sure they did it to save material and ease the mass of the horns but it also might be a VERY interesting solution for LF only horn. It is known that exponential profile if used for lower octave produced very characteristic sound. The best remedy is to randomize the leading edge of the horn output with "confusing reflections". However here is where the Denmark folks unknowingly (because for wrong reasons) proposes to do something differently: to introduce the LF leaks in the horn and let some sound to be "shorted" at the exit of the horn. I think the proper "shorting" need to be done by radial sluts and perhaps to be adjustable (sluts might be closed). So to test it we would need to make lest say 100Hz exponential ½ horn and to permit it to have open-able sluts. It is possible, juts possible that this horn will have "gentle entry" into the room and will not sound like most of the exponential bass solution out there.
Tha Cat

Posted by Paul S on 12-12-2014
Are those photos, or "renderings"? If the former, and that project actually exists, someone put up a LOT of money for it!

With respect to the "sluts", the blurb tells that the holes in the horns make different sounds that relate to the "elements". So, would slots in a smaller horn do the same and, if so, could these sounds be "tailored"? I hope someone will try it out.

Paul S

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