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Topic: More about Vienna Philharmonic sound from NYT

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Posted by Romy the Cat on 08-03-2014
Even though I hate New York Times but here is a good article:

Rags, the Cat

Posted by Paul S on 08-03-2014
Romy, thanks for sharing this very interesting discussion. I like that they try to narrow it down. One thing the writer suggests is that the conductor has less influence over the VPO. Though this may be true in many cases, I like to hear different-sounding conductors with this orchestra. Even I can hear when someone like Kubilek hypnotizes them, or Walter keeps them off guard. I also liked the sketches on the VPO-specific instruments (well, Austria/S. DE, anyway).

This makes me want to go listen to the VPO (or the WDR)!

Best regards,
Paul S

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