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Horn-Loaded Speakers
Topic: Think exactly what you want to accomplish.

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Posted by harold on 01-05-2013
I heard a friend's horn system recently and was very impressed. I don't have the resources to put together a diy system as discussed here, amazing as they seem, but am looking for recommendations for commercially available finished horn speakers that would get me some way to what's possible in the format. Thanks and hello from a new member.

Posted by Paul S on 01-05-2013
Welcome, Harold. Just guessing, but it sounds like you have not read very much of the site, as of your post. I recommend you try "reading up" (there's a lot to read here), then try a more focused question, one that includes more "background", anyway. Some general reading of the site should clear up for you what I'm talking about.  Or, for off-the-cuff, cold "recommendations", try audio asylum, ad nauseum.

Best regards,
Paul S

Posted by ayebee on 01-05-2013
Hi Harold! Paul makes a good point. There's a lot of good stuff to read on this site. I must have read almost everything on here and posted no more than a dozen times... :-) Anyway, I'd like to ask you two things: what was it about your friend's system that made you so impressed and what are the resources that you believe you're lacking to put together a system of your own? All the best, Anders

Posted by Romy the Cat on 01-05-2013
 harold wrote:
I heard a friend's horn system recently and was very impressed. I don't have the resources to put together a diy system as discussed here, amazing as they seem, but am looking for recommendations for commercially available finished horn speakers that would get me some way to what's possible in the format. Thanks and hello from a new member.

Harold, if you feel that you have no resources to put together a DIY system then why do you think that you will be able to afford a commercially available finished horn speakers? Any commercially available speakers would be 8-12 times more expensive then DIY efforts, so if the cost is a factor then there is no need to look at finished horn speakers. Also, any finished horn speakers are generally very bad for it’s cost and if the cost is the factor for you than I do not think you need to look at commercial products. I do not advocate DIY efforts, I just saying that your question does not make any sense to me.

Posted by harold on 01-05-2013
thanks for your replies. Paul is quite right. I'm not new to audio forums and know better than to post such an unfocussed question with no background. It was a combination of being impressed with the immediacy, detail, and scale of my friend's system, intimidated by my complete lack of knowledge of horns, and wanting a shortcut to audio nirvana. I'll do my background reading before posting further but maybe it would be helpful to list my current system; Tecnodec/Hadcock 228/Benz Glider/834p/Slagle autoformers/VTL Tiny Triodes/Spendor 2/3.
Romy- just read your reply. I wasn't referring to financial resources, rather to technical knowledge and skills. Your answer is nonetheless helpful suggesting there are no shortcuts.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 01-05-2013
 harold wrote:
thanks for your replies. Paul is quite right. I'm not new to audio forums and know better than to post such an unfocussed question with no background. It was a combination of being impressed with the immediacy, detail, and scale of my friend's system, intimidated by my complete lack of knowledge of horns, and wanting a shortcut to audio nirvana. I'll do my background reading before posting further but maybe it would be helpful to list my current system; Tecnodec/Hadcock 228/Benz Glider/834p/Slagle autoformers/VTL Tiny Triodes/Spendor 2/3.
Romy- just read your reply. I wasn't referring to financial resources, rather to technical knowledge and skills. Your answer is none the less helpful suggesting that there are no shortcuts.

Well, Harold, I understood that you were talking about financial resources. Technical knowledge and skills is slightly different subject. I can assure you that I have no technical knowledge and skills and it does not prevent me to have horn installation that performs quite well, in fact it even helps me, as most of what considered “technical knowledge and skills” in horns world is absolutely irrelevant to sound the horns produce. Anyhow…

I would like to point out that the impressive sound you hear from your friend system – you need to identify to yourself what did you find impressive, why you find it impressive, to asses if it would be beneficial for the listening you do, evaluate what your playback do and do not do in the realm of what you found impressive and how much efforts you willing to invest to get the same “impressiveness” in your playback. It is very possible that what you found impressive is not a derivative of horn topology but many other aspects about wish you are uninformed.

We do make this mistake very frequently – we run to somebody, here the sound, get impressed and then run to implement the same in our playback. It might sound on surface that there nothing wrong in that but in reality it is very wrong.  We have our own playback and we know how we react to life music. So the question is: why do we need to witness sound out our friend playback to learn something about our own playback? We see, what we run to our proverbial friend and witness a performance of a specific speaker, cartage or cable then we do not replicate in our own playback the SOUND that we heard but we replicate the devise that we feel was responsible for that Sound. It never works.

For any newcomers who come to my site I do recommend to read site for a while and to families themselves for general site outlook. This would be a good location to start:
Your would be better to invite that friend of your in your place and ask him to criticizes your Sound, not your playback but your Sound. Conversion of sonic criticism into a need to make any changes is very separate subject and I would not undertake any changes unit you your exactly what you want to accomplish and by means of what specific alternation.

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