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Topic: Just compresed fragments...

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Posted by easternlethal on 10-14-2011
Not commercially available yet because the live performance was only a few weeks ago but it is on iplayer until next Tues I think:

Especially the Finale.

sorry if this isn't the right place to put this but I wanted to recommend it to everyone here and don't know where else to post this.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 10-14-2011
Thanks, easternlethal

It was nice but they were just the fragments. I wish they post the whole concerts. The people at Symphony Cast do post the whole concerts but they use mp3 file that in a way worthless. I hope the time come when the concert houses will post non-compressed files with the content of whole event.

The caT

Posted by easternlethal on 10-15-2011
I can hear the whole of Mozart's 35th and Bruckner's 5th and to me the Bruckner 5 performance is very good despite the awful compression. Good enough to go into your "Recording Of The Week" section.
I also wish they would release non-compressed files post concert and we do not have to wait more than one year for a studio-massacred official CD release - perhaps through a pair of binaurally configured microphones, which I think is the simplest way of getting something approximate to what the audience hears without any further mixing or processing. 

Posted by Romy the Cat on 10-18-2011

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